Dumfries and Galloway Local Development Strategy
January 8, 2015
The following tasks were required for delivery of the Dumfries and Galloway Local Development Strategy:
1. Collaboration with the LEADER LAG to develop and produce a draft Local Development Strategy and Business Plan 2014-2020 for Dumfries and Galloway based on the findings from the evaluation of LEADER 2008-2013 and the community/stakeholder engagement undertaken as part of this tender:
Draft Local Development Strategy for submission to Scottish Government – March 2014
Final Local Development Strategy and Business Plan for submission to Scottish Government – June 2014
2. Provision of a programme of facilitated community and stakeholder engagement activities to inform the preparation of the Development Strategy and Business Plan 2014-2020. The programme involved a number of engagement methods including:
focus groups
open events
targeted events
3.Engagement with a range of existing and prospective partners per discussion with the LAG:
Communities – geographic and interest
Strategic Partnership (CPP)
Public agencies
Third sector
4. An assessment of the findings from the engagement activities:
Identify themes/priorities
Identify the potential for joint working
Consider the scope for partners to deliver actions in the Development Strategy
Ensure alignment with the Single Outcome Agreement